Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dealing with this shit...

I have a disease. The past couple of days have been really rough and my light wasn't shining too bright. At times I was ready to give up and be done, but a part of me was still flickering. I had a really intense, bad breakdown and it took me a couple of days to recover. I don't want to give up and I want to fight, but sometimes it's so hard to. I feel better today and my light is shining brighter today. I hung out at the salon yesterday while my sister was getting her hair done and it felt really good to be in the salon. Though, it made me sad that I wasn't the one doing her hair, but she was in good hands. It turned out beautiful and I know she was really happy with it too.

I'm just really sad. I know I shouldn't be and I know eventually this will (hopefully) be a positive, but I don't know how to look at it like that. I need to know how to deal with this and there really isn't a way except to find it in myself. And it's cold outside so I really can't go out and get fresh air. My immune system was wiped out and I have no muscle or meat to keep any type of warmth on my body. It sucks. I'm looking forward to Christmas and spending time with family and friends. I get excited when I see other people smile and laugh. It helps me from being sad and depressed.

I finished my Christmas presents that I made for my family. They turned out really good. I will post pictures after Christmas because they read this blog!


  1. I just read your entire blog. My mom had asked me if I still kept in touched with Greg, which I don't really. So she had told me about what happened to you, said she saw it on Ashley's FB. It's crazy to think about all the different paths that this world gives or chooses for you. I really don't know what to say, but i have a lot of good memories with you and your family growing up, but I wanted to leave a comment. Just know that good will come from this and god has a reason behind everything. Good luck with everything hayley, I will keep you in my prayers.

    1. Thank you! And it's really good to hear from you. I'm glad you are reading my blog and I hope life is great for you! Yes, we have lots of fun memories. :) Take care and thank you for praying for me!
