Thursday, November 15, 2012

So today I am watching movies. Yesterday wore me out! Dan and I spent about 3 hours dealing with the EDD. It exhausted me and I was starting to feel pain the last hour or so. When I woke up today, my vision is now blurry and I’m dizzy and shaky. L Well I’m dizzy every day, but with my eye sight off it doesn’t really make me feel good. Oh and my legs and sitting muscles are super sore and hurt to be touched today.

I miss doing my makeup and getting dressed and staring at myself. Ha I miss feeling pretty. Right before I was admitted I couldn’t even get out of bed because I was in so much pain. I was living with my brother and he doesn’t have a bed frame so his mattress is low to the ground. It would take me at least 5 tries to get up before I actually did. Then, it would take me a few minutes before I could walk 15 steps to the bathroom because my legs and hips would hurt so badly. And I made this normal for me. I figured this pain would go away or my anxiety was getting out of control and taking over my mind. I did get a massage and the next day I was in more pain than I ever was before. Then I figured, oh it will take a few times and eventually it will get better. Ha I had no idea I had such a rare disease! I couldn’t brush my hair anymore and trying to wash my hair was another challenge. Sitting on a toilet hurt my legs so bad. I would then have to figure out a way how I was going to get up. So I sit there, and I think and I try to come up with a strategy how I was going to get off the toilet. And I still never told anyone this. Now, I have a commode that is higher than the toilet so I can sit and get off without my legs hurting. Oh and it has arm handles so I can push off and not have all my weight on my legs. They are still weak and shaky.

I never thought that going to the bathroom would be such a challenge for me at 27. 27! And this is my life right makes me really sad. But I will get through this and I will be ok.


  1. Hayley, you are still and will always be pretty whether or not you feel it. You are going to get through this. More people than you know will follow your story and keep you in their heart and most positive thoughts... so that during the harder times, you feel their support. You will be ok. You are a strong, sweet girl. I have lots of hope and love for you.

  2. You will get through this and things will get better! I remember months of my daughter having to wash my hair or put my bra on. There have been times I couldn't even dress myself at all. I'm not in remission by any means, but it is better. I can wash my own hair these days (though I did finally have to cut off about 2 feet of it so I could manage it on my own. Oh, well, I always wondered what I'd look like with short hair!).

  3. Thank you! Do you have Polymyositis? How long have you had it for? I had to cut my hair too..
