Monday, May 13, 2013

It's been too long..

I haven't wrote anything in a while because I haven't felt very well. A lot has happened and I need to update with everyone! I was able to get the new treatment (the one that isn't FDA Approved, Rituxin) and my Myositis is finally getting under control. I have much more energy now and I am able to get out of the house more. I am still in a lot of pain so the pain specialist is working with me on that. I am now only working with the doctors in LA. So I take a trip every 3 weeks until I get everything under control. Dr. V has lowered my prendnisone to 20mg which is amazing!! His goal is to have me off of it completely by the end of the year. He has also ordered me to pool therapy five times a week. His goal is to gain 80% of my muscle back. He believes I am in so much pain because I lost so much muscle. So hopefully as I gain it back I won't be in as much pain! I was very active this weekend and so today I am hurting tremendously, but it was worth it. It was the first time I was able to play with my nieces and nephew again. 
I started seeing a counselor to help me with my anxiety and depression. I'm still sad a lot and trying to figure out how to cope with my new life and circumstances. I also reconnected with one of my clients and she has introduced me to her church. I think going to church with her and her husband will really help me too. I'm still asking for prayers and I started to pray as well. My body and mind are still trying to adjust to everything and I have to trust God and his intentions, which is so hard! But I've started surrounding myself with positive people and people who want to see me beat this.

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