Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Secret..

A good friend lent me the book The Secret. It's all about positive thinking and believing You deserve everything you want as long as you believe it. The book is so inspirational that I'm really going to try my hardest to follow it so I don't have to get on antidepressants because I really don't want to. I've also always forgave people so easily and let them back in my life when really they turn out to be such a negative affect. I've decided to not let them in my life when it is only convenient for them. I won't say anything to them because that's just mean, but I'm also not going out of my way to have them in my life. I am going to have my mom read The Secret after me so she can keep me on track. 
I drove yesterday for the first time since October! I'm trying really hard to not look at the negative sides of it and just being proud of myself! I am always so hard on myself and I really should give myself some slack. I've come such a long way and I have made so much progress that I need to concentrate on that rather than what I have not done! 
I have to remember people come in your life for a specific reason and you never know why until something has happened or until you learn from the experience. So again, I need to stop expecting so much out of me and realize everything will fall into place as long as I believe it will. Today will be a good day! And next week I start school which I am soo excited for and nervous. I will do great though, I just know it. And I will be happy and I will find my happiness with someone who respects me and will stand by my side no matter what. Believing is everything to a happy life.

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