Monday, September 30, 2013


Today has been a good day so far. I woke up with a clear mind and happiness in my heart. The pain isn't that bad which means I can deal with it without putting a fake smile on. 

Yesterday, was really I mean really hard for me but I did everything so the evil couldn't take over. This is definitely a harder road that I'm going down. My mom asked me why some days are harder and if I knew that answer they wouldn't be happening. I believe it's the universe testing me. Obviously I am still here for a reason when I have gone through hell and not quite back from it yet, but I won't let it define me. I've always been an individual and I plan on staying that way. I'm slowly finding myself again and that's with the help of family but mostly my friends who have never judged me or thought different of me because of my decisions. Lifetime and soul friends is what I would like to call them. They go with my crazy ideas and plans and when I change my mind they don't tell me "I told you so" instead they ask what's next! Definitely they are my back when I have days like I did yesterday. 

But I wanted everyone to know I'm having a good day so far and it may turn bad very quickly but at this moment I'm enjoying my life. Now there's a first in a long time.

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