Saturday, February 23, 2013

Side Affects..

So I've been feeling horribly nauseous for about two weeks. At first, it was only at night. Then, the past week it would start earlier in the day. My stomach would be completely bloated with gas and would turn hard as a rock. It hurt my chest every time I burped and it tasted like some sort of nasty chemical. Then, to top that off, I started sweating profusely on my face and neck. I was getting grossed out with myself. My mother and I narrowed it down to the fibromyalgia medicine I started about a month ago. So yesterday I called my doctor and told him I needed to stop taking the medicine because the side affects were too much to live with. I have been so uncomfortable the past couple of weeks. So he let me completely stop. So this afternoon when I woke up from my nap, I had the worst pain in my chest and ears. Well, it is the left over gas from this medicine that hasn't left my body. I don't feel as nauseous as I have this past week so that's a plus. You never know how you are going to react to a medicine until you tried it, and unfortunately I have a feeling it will be a hit and miss for a while until we really know what my body is doing and what it can handle.

I cheated last night. I have been doing so good not eating any sugar! I came home from a dinner date and made a chocolate ice cream malt! It was so good! I have to let my doctor know on Monday that if my next glucose levels are high that is the reason! I couldn't help myself..I have no one to blame but myself.

Later today I am spending some quality time with my brother Brad. I am really looking forward to it. We have always been really close and ever since I got sick I feel we kind have drifted apart. So I'm really excited. I've always said he was my other half.

Tomorrow me and my mother are getting our nails done. We are way over due! My toes never last which is really weird because I don't do anything crazy. Then dinner with my little brother. This weekend will be good for family time because I'm already freaking out about the test results that I'll get on Monday. I always tend to over work myself before doctor appointments and the week of my IVIG. I know I can handle anything, but I'm still walking into the Unknown which is really scary!

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