Monday, January 7, 2013

Feeling Good today..

I have now had 3 IVIG Treatments including the one I had in the hospital. I was down for two days after this time. Today I have more energy than I have had in a long time. I was able to start organizing my room (which I have not since I've been home from the hospital), but I don't want to over do it so now I'm resting. I have hope today which is really good for me. I've noticed that when it is cold outside I can feel where the liver biopsy was done. It's crazy!

I'm really happy today. I love all the people that are in my life at this moment. You really see who will be there for you when you go through a life-changing experience. Some people upset me that I thought would be there, but I can't get upset. I need to move forward and be thankful for those who are in my life. Those are the people who count the most.

My pain isn't that bad either. Or maybe I have gotten use to it and it doesn't bother me like it did. I have a few bald spots as well. I really try to not let it bother me, but that's a hard one. I haven't quite got used to that. Nobody notices it but me. My nails are growing like champs and my hair is falling out, it's crazy.

I hope that after each treatment I get stronger. I have four IVIG Treatments left.

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